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Axial Psychiatric Services


Anxiety services offered in Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, Rockwall, TX

Does crippling fear or anxiousness prevent you from being productive or enjoying life? If you have these or other symptoms of anxiety, the specialists at Axial Psychiatric Services in Rockwall, Texas, are here for you. Ankit Parmar, MD, and the team diagnose and offer treatments for anxiety to help you relax and have the best quality of life possible. Call the office to learn more, or use the online booking tool today.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a mental health challenge that causes fear, worry, and anxious feelings in everyday situations that don’t affect many other people. It can be mild and not bother you much or become severe, diminishing your ability to work or maintain strong interpersonal relationships. Fortunately, treating anxiety can get your life back on track. 

What are the symptoms of anxiety?

Anxiety can cause the following symptoms:

  • Feeling restless
  • Constant fear or worry about everyday situations
  • Depression
  • Anxiousness
  • Fatigue
  • Social withdrawal
  • Nervousness
  • Trembling
  • Sweating
  • Panic attacks
  • Fear in social situations
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Avoiding anxiety triggers
  • Thoughts of suicide

Certain things, people, places, or situations can worsen your anxiety, but you don’t have to live in fear — visit Axial Psychiatric Services for symptom relief.

Who is at risk of anxiety?

Anyone can develop anxiety, but the most common risk factors include a family history of anxiety, having certain personality traits, past trauma, and ongoing stress. Using drugs and alcohol or having an illness or chronic disease can worsen anxiety symptoms.

How does my specialist diagnose anxiety?

To find out if you have anxiety or other mental health challenges, your Axial Psychiatric Services provider completes a physical exam, may order genetic testing for medicine suitable for you or other diagnostic tests, and asks you a series of questions during a psychiatric exam. 

They ask about your lifestyle, mood, thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. Your Axial Psychiatric Services specialist reviews your medical history, family health history, and current medication regimen before recommending a treatment plan to minimize unpleasant symptoms. 

Which treatments reduce anxiety?

The most common treatments for anxiety disorders include medications, lifestyle changes, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and other forms of psychotherapy. 

You might change your behavior patterns, keep stress levels low, and gradually increase exposure to situations that cause panic to improve tolerance of anxiety-provoking triggers. 

Other ways to reduce anxiety include getting regular exercise, spending time outdoors, and avoiding drugs, smoking, and alcohol. Eat nutritious foods and make getting plenty of sleep a top priority.

Your Axial Psychiatric Services provider follows up with you to ensure your treatment is effective and can alter your medication regimen whenever needed.

To get diagnosed or treated for anxiety, call the Axial Psychiatric Services office or schedule an appointment online today.

Children and Adolescents
Children and Juvenile Cases
Juvenal criminal responsibility evaluation
Violence risk assessment
Adult Civil Cases
Fitness for Duty
Medical/ Psychiatric Malpractice
Independent medical examination
Happy Group of people
Adult Criminal Cases
Competency to stand trial evaluation
Sanity Evaluation (For NGRI Plea)
Sex-offender Evaluation
Forensic Evaluation
Dr. Parmar has fellowship training in Forensic Psychiatry and takes selected private cases on both civil (child custody, parental rights, adoption) and criminal (Evaluation of sanity, competency assessment, fitness to proceed, judicial waiver certification, criminal responsibility, abuse, witness reliability) issues pertaining to children, adolescent, and adults. Please call or email us to get more information on this.