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Axial Psychiatric Services

Eating disorder

Eating Disorders services offered in Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, Rockwall, TX

If obsessive thoughts about food, eating too much, or eating very few calories consumes you, you may struggle with an eating disorder. At Axial Psychiatric Services in Rockwall, Texas, Ankit Parmar, MD, and the team diagnose eating disorders and recommend treatments that improve your physical and mental health. Call the office to schedule an evaluation or use the online booking feature today.

What are eating disorders?

Eating disorders are mental health conditions that affect the number of calories you consume and your habits while eating. Common eating disorders include:

  • Anorexia - eating too few calories or being underweight
  • Bulimia - throwing up or excessively exercising after eating
  • Binge eating disorder - binging on large amounts of food

While many people overeat or undereat from time to time, eating disorders may cause you to obsess over food and lead to unhealthy behavior patterns.

What are the symptoms of eating disorders?

The common symptoms of eating disorders, depending on the type you have, include:

  • Obsessive or intrusive thoughts about calories and food
  • Eating too little or too much
  • Throwing up after eating
  • Exercising intensely after eating
  • Obsessively counting calories
  • Being underweight or overweight
  • Fatigue or weakness
  • Feeling guilty about eating foods
  • Characterizing yourself as overweight when you’re not
  • Only eating certain types of foods
  • Binging on large amounts of food and feeling overly full

You might also develop nutritional deficiencies, such as iron deficiency or other mineral and vitamin deficiencies. Forcing yourself to throw up after meals can erode the enamel of your teeth and cause electrolyte imbalances. Being underweight also puts you at risk of low bone density.

What are the risk factors for eating disorders?

The cause of eating disorders isn’t always known. Possible risk factors include:

  • Certain personality traits
  • Past trauma
  • Low self-esteem
  • Lack of a strong social support network
  • Family history of eating disorders
  • Extreme or ongoing stress
  • Other mental health challenges

You might struggle with an eating disorder because you feel a loss of control, have social struggles, or suffer from depression or anxiety.

How does my specialist diagnose eating disorders?

Your Axial Psychiatric Services specialist determines if you have an eating disorder after reviewing your symptoms, lifestyle habits, and medical history. They complete a physical exam, weigh you, evaluate your body mass index (BMI), and complete a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation by asking questions about your behaviors, thoughts, and emotions.

How are eating disorders treated?

If you have an eating disorder, your Axial Psychiatric Services provider may recommend psychotherapy, nutrition education, or participating in an inpatient treatment center. If your eating disorder stems from depression or another mental health disorder, you might take medications to better control your behavior patterns and your mood.

Talk therapy teaches you ways to deal with stress and have a healthier relationship with food. You might gradually increase your food intake or avoid situations that trigger binge eating and self-induced vomiting. Finding and treating the root cause of an eating disorder is the key to effectively overcoming it.

To get screened or treated for an eating disorder, call the Axial Psychiatric Services office or schedule an appointment online today.

Children and Adolescents
Children and Juvenile Cases
Juvenal criminal responsibility evaluation
Violence risk assessment
Adult Civil Cases
Fitness for Duty
Medical/ Psychiatric Malpractice
Independent medical examination
Happy Group of people
Adult Criminal Cases
Competency to stand trial evaluation
Sanity Evaluation (For NGRI Plea)
Sex-offender Evaluation
Forensic Evaluation
Dr. Parmar has fellowship training in Forensic Psychiatry and takes selected private cases on both civil (child custody, parental rights, adoption) and criminal (Evaluation of sanity, competency assessment, fitness to proceed, judicial waiver certification, criminal responsibility, abuse, witness reliability) issues pertaining to children, adolescent, and adults. Please call or email us to get more information on this.